Saturday, May 22, 2010

J Dilla (RIP)

Name speaks for itself, everything flattering about this guy has probably already been said x10 so I'll keep it short. Dude pretty much revolutionized hip hop with his neo-soul approach to music. Shame most people on the street have never even heard of this guy. Been chillin on his work for a couple years now - peep game.

You know, if I had a choice, skip the major labels and just put it out yourself man... Trust me. I tell everybody it's better to do it yourself and let the Indies come after you instead of going in their direction and getting a deal and you have to wait, it ain't fun, take it from me. Right now, I'm on MCA but it feels like I'm an unsigned artist still. It's cool, it's a blessing, but damn I'm like, 'When's my shit gonna come out? I'm ready now, what's up?'

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